Knowledge Sharing:
An Informative Piece by Our CFP Member by Qaiser Abbas
Every era has its own yardstick by which it is measured, and today’s era is gauged by none other than the smartphone. It is a device found in the hands of every man and woman, regardless of race, rank, wealth, or belief—transcending all divisions of age. It serves the same function for all. Is there anything else in this age that is as universally accessible? The answer is no. For this reason, this device acts as the standard by which the times are judged. People use smartphones to broadcast their personal abilities or businesses to the public, often relying entirely on it for such outreach. This device, though packed with all the filth, vulgarity, and immodesty of the age, simultaneously contains a wealth of religious, spiritual, and moral information and personalities. In a way, it can be said that the entire world is condensed into this smartphone, and nearly everyone seems reluctant to part with it, even for a few moments. For the “People of insight”, using this tool is equally as essential as it is for any other common man. Some people use it to manage their businesses, others to gather information, some find entertainment in it, and others use it for education and teaching. Likewise, for the “people of insight”, it is crucial to use this device to become acquainted with the world, understand the current generation’s dilemmas, and comprehend their struggles and pain. Many people are aware that the universe operates under the command of Allah, and His command itself is grounded in justice—meaning balance. This balance ensures that the creations of the universe function according to the purpose for which they were created.
Just as everything in the universe operates within a balance, the moment one of the forces increases or decreases its energy, the system will collapse. In the solar system, where each planet has its gravitational force, the Sun’s gravitational force keeps the system in perpetual motion. Similarly, the entire universe stands on a delicate balance, maintained by the equilibrium of energies. The Creator, in crafting this world of colors and fragrances, ensured that both good and evil were at play, so that the balance of the universe would convey not only apparent energies but also real energies to the people who are worthy of them. As time progresses, many dimensions of the Qur’an, which were not previously discussed, are now being brought forward. Meanwhile, as the human mind evolves, a flood of information is being made accessible to the common person, often through this smartphone. Today’s human is far more afflicted with psychological, moral, social, and spiritual issues than those of the past.
The chaotic information and other content that people are receiving through this device are continuously weakening them spiritually and psychologically. However, to some extent, the positive information available can offer relief to those who seek it. Yet, from the personal level to the societal level, the negative impacts of this smartphone are generating significant issues, and it has become essential for the “people of insight” to use this tool to uncover the truth of the matter. With their deep hearts, farsightedness, and empathy for humanity, they must dissolve themselves into the universe to maintain balance, so that mankind may find solutions to their spiritual, psychological, and moral problems within this world through their wisdom and positive energy, and the seeker may find that which connects them to their Creator. “People of insight”, through the use of this smart device, derive conclusions that serve as guiding lights for the present era. Scholars gauge matters by observing that the videos of religious scholars are watched millions of times on these smartphones, while the mystics fulfill and spread their devotions through “Zikr ullah”. The reality is that every era has its own trial—a trial that also serves as its yardstick. The trial of this age is the smartphone, which has captured the attention of both the people of Satan and the people of the Merciful. Each side, according to their own motivations, is striving either to disrupt the balance of the universe or to maintain it.